WpStream – A WordPress Video Streaming Plugin

How to Broadcast live events on a subscription based business

Introduction to broadcast subscription lives

Knowing how to broadcast subscription lives based on a pay per view system is one of the easiest ways to monetize your website and content. This monetization system is recommended for webmasters who:

To set up a subscription based PPV website, you will need a WordPress website, the WordPress streaming plugin and a few other plugins to set up your payment system:

Installing the required plugins to broadcast subscription lives

You can install the required plugins by going to your WordPress dashboard and clicking “Plugins” then “Add New”(1). In the search box type WpStream(2) and then click the “Install Now” button

WooCommerce Subscriptions is a premium plugin, but installing it is similar. You can get the plugin from HERE.

After you install the WpStream plugin and WooCommerce plugins, simply sign up to your WpStream account and get your broadcasting package APIs.

It is ready to use, but you need to connect your website to WpStream.net first. Copy your WpStream account details and paste them in the freshly installed WpStream plugin. To do this, go to your WordPress website dashboard, go over to WpStream, then WpStream Options.

Creating a subscription-based live channel / video product:

To create a new channel, simply go to your WordPress dashboard, and click on the Products menu, then “Add New”.

broadcast subscription lives

Here you will have to add a product name for your subscription and set “Product Data” to “Simple Subscription”(1). You can also add pricing details such as how much you will charge for your channel and how often:

1 – Product Data – Simple subscription

2 – Subscription price per day, week, month or year

3 – Subscription length

4 – Sign up fee (optional)

5 – Free trial for your users – in days, weeks, months or years (optional)

6 – Is subscription based live channel? – set this to yes

After setting up your product details, simply click on “Publish” and your product will appear on your “Shop” page, with users being able to sign up to the new subscription product. And that is how you can broadcast subscription lives.

Video tutorial for the article above

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