
Pick one of our streaming plans


$ 24 / Month
  • 100GB
    Data Total amount of data available for streaming live and recorded video.
    / Month
  • 200
    ViewersMaximum Simultaneous viewers across all channels
  • 5 Live
    Channels You can run up to 5 channels at the same time
  • 2GB
    StorageTotal storage available for your recordings
  • Unlimited Recordings
  • Content Protection
  • No Ads


$ 59 / Month
  • 250GB
    Data Total amount of data available for streaming live and recorded video.
    / Month
  • 1,000
    ViewersMaximum Simultaneous viewers across all channels
  • 15 Live
    ChannelsYou can run up to 15 channels at the same time
  • 10GB
    StorageTotal storage available for your recordings
  • Unlimited Recordings
  • Content Protection
  • No Ads


$ 169 / Month
  • 1TB
    Data Total amount of data available for streaming live and recorded video.
    / Month
  • 5,000
    ViewersMaximum Simultaneous viewers across all channels
  • 50 Live
    ChannelsYou can run up to 50 channels at the same time
  • 50GB
    StorageTotal storage available for your recordings
  • Unlimited Recordings
  • Content Protection
  • No Ads


$ 449 / Month
  • 3TB
    Data Total amount of data available for streaming live and recorded video.
    / Month
  • 25,000
    ViewersMaximum Simultaneous viewers across all channels
  • 150 Live
    ChannelsYou can run up to 150 channels at the same time
  • 250GB
    StorageTotal storage available for your recordings
  • Unlimited Recordings
  • Content Protection
  • No Ads

Not sure which plan is most suitable for your streaming business? Check out the calculator.

Free Trial account

The free account offers you enough resources to test your setup and publish a few short-lived channels and/or videos.
A credit card is not required to enjoy your free trial!

up to 5.5 GB streaming data – 0.5GB upfront and 5GB more after confirming your email address

100 MB recording storage

The free trial lets you create unlimited channels, unlimited recorded videos, and broadcast your content to 
unlimitedWithin the bounds of the allocated resources

Need more? Tweet (@streaming4wp), share (@wpstreamsoftware), review us (, and blog about us. You will receive up to 100 GB streaming bandwidth and up to 5GB storage. All on us!

Pricing Calculator

How many times do you broadcast in a month?

How many people[1][4] are watching?

How long is your average broadcast?

How much of that[2][4] are they watching, on average?

Do you want to record and archive your broadcasts? For how long?

What video quality[3] would you like to broadcast at?

What kind of content are you broadcasting?


1. Don't overestimate the number of viewers. We generally advise starting with a lower plan and upgrading later if needed

2. Most viewers will watch about 50% of your Live Stream. This is an educated conclusion based on previous statistical data from WpStream and other streaming platforms. Pay-Per-View Live Streams will have higher viewership rates than Free-To-View Streams

3. Many viewers will watch Live Streams at lower quality/bitrates due to less than ideal network conditions, hardware, etc. This saves you streaming data and will commonly lead to a lower consumption than estimated here

4. Live Streaming during peak hours (viewers busy at work/school) or during holiday/vacation season will decrease viewership

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Do subscription plans renew automatically?

Yes, subscription plans renew automatically on a monthly basis until you cancel your subscription.

2. Which streaming plan is best suitable for my live streaming project?

The best plan depends on a variety of factors including the quality of your broadcast, the type of live stream, etc. You can use the calculator above to find out. 

3. I'm about to run out of streaming data in the middle of a live stream. What can I do?

You can upgrade your subscription plan without interrupting your live stream at any time. As a heads up, you receive an email when you have less than 20% of your total streaming data.

4. Can I upgrade/downgrade?

Yes, you can upgrade or downgrade to another subscription plan at any time. Please follow the instructions here.

5. Does streaming data roll over when my subscription plan renews?

No, streaming data does not roll over upon renewal. Streaming data will only roll over if you upgrade/downgrade before the renewal date.

6. What payment methods can I use?

You can use your credit card, debit card, Apple Pay, Google Pay, PayPal, and many more.

7. How can I change my payment method?

To change your payment method, please follow the instructions here.

8. How can I cancel my subscription plan?

To cancel your subscription plan, please follow the instructions here.